Andrew Spillane

Andrew Spillane

Conference Guest Speaker

Professor Andrew Spillane was elected to the BCT Board in July 2021 and is a member of the Finance, Risk, and Audit Committee.

He is a Professor of Surgical Oncology at The University of Sydney. He specialises in the surgical management of breast cancer and melanoma. Professor Spillane is a senior VMO surgeon at the Mater North Sydney and Royal North Shore Hospitals.

He is a member of the BCT Scientific Advisory Committee and BCT Breast Surgery Craft Group Lead. He is the past President of BreastSurgANZ and a board member / Deputy Chair of Melanoma and Skin Cancer (MASC) Trials (formerly the ANZMTG). He is a member of the BCNA Medical Advisory Committee and a Faculty Member of Melanoma Institute Australia. Professor Spillane is a Breast sub-editor for the ANZ Journal of Surgery, and an editorial board member of the Annals of Surgical Oncology and the Journal of Surgical Oncology. He is the founding co-director of the University of Sydney’s Graduate Certificate in Advanced Breast Surgery.

Andrew’s research interests include neoadjuvant therapy and surgical clinical trials, promoting the involvement of surgeons in multidisciplinary clinical trials, issues around quality assurance in surgery, and the safe introduction of new surgical techniques. He is involved in clinical and translational research on aspects of breast cancer and melanoma research including the trial management committee of multiple international trials and a member of the International Neoadjuvant Melanoma Consortium. He has been an author on about 210 peer-reviewed publications, co-authored 4 book chapters, and is chief investigator on multiple existing and recent NHMRC and MRFF grants.

10:55 am - 11:15 am
Plenary 2

Is there anyone (medically fit) who shouldn't be offered immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy for breast cancer?

Speaker: Professor Andrew Spillane

1:00 pm - 2:20 pm
M2 and M3

Case Based Discussions

Speakers: Professor Andrew Spillane, Ms Leslie Gilham, Ms Natalie Rainey, and Dr Katherine Neville

3:20 pm - 3:45 pm
M2 and M3

Integrating breast reconstruction into the complex management of patients requiring mastectomy

Speaker: Professor Andrew Spillane