Anna Singleton

Anna Singleton

Conference Guest Speaker

Dr Anna Singleton is an NHMRC Emerging Leadership 1 Fellow and Senior Research Fellow at the University of Sydney’s Engagement and Co-design Research Hub.

Anna’s research focuses on co-designing and implementing accessible, and scalable digital health services to improve health outcomes for people living with and beyond cancer. Anna has been awarded >$5.9M in research funds and prizes (>$2.9M as a lead investigator) and published 37 peer-reviewed manuscripts, many in high-ranking journals including the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Based on her achievements, Anna received the 2023 NSW Premier’s Award for Outstanding Early Career Researcher from Cancer Institute NSW and was named one of the Top 25 Brilliant Women in Digital Health in Australia by TelstraHealth.

Anna is also a proud co-chair of the Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Survivorship Engine Room.

10:10 am - 10:30 am
Plenary 1 and 2

Can you really improve endocrine therapy adherence with text messages? The EMPOWER-SMS RCT

Speaker: Dr Anna Singleton